quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011

Say Cheese ! Jason Lee Parry

Jason Lee Parry is a 31 year old photographer who currently lives in Los Angeles, California. As a child, he lived in over fifteen states. The constant visual stimulus as a young child was the result of the endless traveling and he needed an outlet to express his creativity. He first picked up a camera when he was fifteen and since then has not stopped creating images that evoke undiluted sexiness mixed with a feeling of youthful freedom. With his specific artistic style, he offers something different to the world. These days it seems that just anyone can snap a picture and call themselves a photographer, but Jason has a talent for telling a story and capturing an authentic response of any kind from his audience.

2 comentários:

Roque disse...

Beautiful shots!

edsonsmdesign disse...

fla meu bom Rei...que beleza...esse teu blog...
